By: Dr. Amit Kumar Chatterjee
Billions of e-mails are sent through Internet everyday. Internet marketers send millions of e-mails everyday to potential customers, hoping to make a sale. However, how many customers bother to read these e-mails let alone respond ?
While relevance of product offered, quality, price etc. may play important role behind such customer apathy - more often, its quality of e-mail that matters most. Great majority of marketing e-mails are not even opened - let alone be read or responded to.
There may be many reasons why an e-mail goes unanswered, such as server down, spam filter or recipient’s mailbox full - but mostly the reason lies in its format, content and style. Chances of an e-mail eliciting any kind of response is indeed poor when recipient thinks the e-mail as 'waste of time' or 'there's nothing more to write about'. Obvious destination for such e-mails is the trash folder.
To be successful in e-business and saving your e-mails from trash folder - its extremely important to understand what's acceptable in business e-mails in terms of writing style, format and content.
You may have high quality product at competitive price - but that may not be enough to reach buyers unless your communication style is as good. Your communication must be able to attract recipient's attention through such acceptable style and content.
1. Acceptable Format
A business e-mail must have a business address as its sender. A mail from is far more effective and acceptable than This is an extremely important requirement in any business e-mail format for obvious reasons.
Here, we are discussing business not inviting friends for birthday party ! If your business can not afford a business e-mail but offers million dollar products - you really can not blame the recipient's cynicism. After all, you do not visit up-market automobile showroom in shorts and slippers as sales people may not take you seriously.
In the anonymous world of Internet - establishing trust is the bedrock of any business relationship. Anonymous e-mails do not convey a positive image about your company – and possibly harms your cause.
Business e-mails come from web-sites at no extra cost. So, the natural corollary of this point - to be successful in e-business, your business should have a professional web-site.
Other important requirement of any business e-mail is a meaningful signature line that contains your company name, address, tel, fax, internet home etc. All e-mail clients (such as Netscape, Outlook etc.) offers facility for creating signature files that gets attached to every outgoing mail.
2. Meaningful Subject Line
E-marketers often underestimate the value of subject in an e-mail. In a typical e-mail client - the Inbox displays few items of information such as date, from, subject etc. More often, decision of user to read or send the e-mail to trash folder depends upon two pieces of information - From: and Subject line.
Billions of e-mails are sent through Internet everyday. Internet marketers send millions of e-mails everyday to potential customers, hoping to make a sale. However, how many customers bother to read these e-mails let alone respond ?
While relevance of product offered, quality, price etc. may play important role behind such customer apathy - more often, its quality of e-mail that matters most. Great majority of marketing e-mails are not even opened - let alone be read or responded to.
There may be many reasons why an e-mail goes unanswered, such as server down, spam filter or recipient’s mailbox full - but mostly the reason lies in its format, content and style. Chances of an e-mail eliciting any kind of response is indeed poor when recipient thinks the e-mail as 'waste of time' or 'there's nothing more to write about'. Obvious destination for such e-mails is the trash folder.
To be successful in e-business and saving your e-mails from trash folder - its extremely important to understand what's acceptable in business e-mails in terms of writing style, format and content.
You may have high quality product at competitive price - but that may not be enough to reach buyers unless your communication style is as good. Your communication must be able to attract recipient's attention through such acceptable style and content.
1. Acceptable Format
A business e-mail must have a business address as its sender. A mail from is far more effective and acceptable than This is an extremely important requirement in any business e-mail format for obvious reasons.
Here, we are discussing business not inviting friends for birthday party ! If your business can not afford a business e-mail but offers million dollar products - you really can not blame the recipient's cynicism. After all, you do not visit up-market automobile showroom in shorts and slippers as sales people may not take you seriously.
In the anonymous world of Internet - establishing trust is the bedrock of any business relationship. Anonymous e-mails do not convey a positive image about your company – and possibly harms your cause.
Business e-mails come from web-sites at no extra cost. So, the natural corollary of this point - to be successful in e-business, your business should have a professional web-site.
Other important requirement of any business e-mail is a meaningful signature line that contains your company name, address, tel, fax, internet home etc. All e-mail clients (such as Netscape, Outlook etc.) offers facility for creating signature files that gets attached to every outgoing mail.
2. Meaningful Subject Line
E-marketers often underestimate the value of subject in an e-mail. In a typical e-mail client - the Inbox displays few items of information such as date, from, subject etc. More often, decision of user to read or send the e-mail to trash folder depends upon two pieces of information - From: and Subject line.
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Amit worked in blue-chip Indian and MNCs for 15 years in various capacities like Research and Information Analysis, Market Development, MIS, R&D Information Systems etc. before joining a b2b portal and directory of indian exporters and importers in 1997. He writes regularly for - reliable source of information on import trade leads, export import agents, tenders, trade data etc. Article Source: |
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