By Steve Blalock
There are probably at least ten million people online, looking for downloads at any given time. Of course, a lot of them could be looking for pornography or free software but still, reaching a minimum on a million people on any given day does offer some rather intriguing possibilities.
People like using file services to download music for two simple reasons, theyre totally free, and there is an generous selection. The fact is Pandoras Box has been opened. In Napsters wake, other quasi-legal services quickly emerged a lot of them. Even if they are closed, others will succeed them.
Major record companies would like to think otherwise but they will never stop file sharing. Net users are file sharersplain and simple. Long before the Internet came into being, people made cassette tapes of their favorite music for their friendscd burners are so much easier and faster.
So how can this apply to your viral marketing campaign? Think about this. Once someone downloads your MP3 files and those files are available on that listeners hard drive, viral marketing begins. After two users start sharing your files, suddenly, your music is on the hard drive of a second computerthen a third and on and on. When users are searching and they find your music on a lot of different computers, they are more likely to download the files. Its just a matter of time before youll find your files showing up in more and more places.
No matter what genre music you playRock and Roll, Country, Tejano, Mozart sonatas, Heavy Metal, of Brazilian Jazz, there is an audience for it somewhere.
In this new paradigm, you arent hawking a product, you are offering free music via a medium that lets you be directly connected with your audience.
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Now that you own a webpage, you need traffic. Learn the secrets by signing up for Steve Blalock's complimentary information at:
webpage traffic
By Fred Gurnts
These days, it seems like everyone is in search of a well chosen unique home based opportunity. A home based career could be a great second income, or a new business that could change your future. Here are a few of the possibilities that can be right for you.
Working at home, you need an office type area in which to do your work. You want to consider how your office area will interact with the goings on of your family life. You have to be free from any interruptions, so you can focus a reasonable amount of effort for your home based business.
It is crucial for first time home based business owners to have high quality time management. You have no one making your schedule, or anyone saying that you should get to work. You have to discipline yourself to set aside the time necessary for a winning company.
There are a collection of various systems that anyone can pick from to become wealthy online. We can break this list of options down into two specific categories. The lists are one, working for someone, and second, working for your self.
The initial category will have every type of field that you work for, and get paid by, someone. There are many kinds of internet based, home based, jobs you can be hired to do. Some examples must be comprised of, virtual assistant, answering service, and writing adds.
Now, you are running all aspects. Making good money decisions will be critical in eventually succeeding. Inexperienced first timers underestimate their expenses. You want to think things through because otherwise you will find yourself in financial stress early in your venture. Figure out what start up money you need to give your business a chance to succeed. Be diligent and plan wisely until you are having good success. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep you current job and operate your new business on a part time basis, until you don't need that original job.
Advertising and marketing will be a critical component of practically any kind of business you choose to do. This is where the web can be an invaluable asset. With insightful use of the web, and some other efforts, you can attract customers for your new venture at a reasonable cost.
The second group is of careers that are only for any of you who demand to be their own boss. The types of careers that are out there include, consulting work developing e-products, and marketing. This brief list is simply a small sample of the endless variety of choices that you will find.
When you start to see things growing, you can consider adding a work force to help you. Since you are working out of your house, you won't want employees that need to be working at your house. But there is a way to solve this with rare exceptions. You can get different people to perform the tasks you want done.
These days, you can get specialists, to meet your needs. They are found at online job sites, and they will do the work from their own home. You have the choice to attain services from someone for one project at a time, and search out the best people that you can depend on. Finding the right person doesn't restrict you to your local area anymore, they can be from anywhere in the world!
Home based businesses seem to be a great choice to make. Do your homework, and determine all the options that could work for you. If you find your niche, you might be rewarded, and retire young and wealthy.
About the Author:
Think of something that you?re really passionate of.
second income Googleadclient "pub-2630580098714716";. One effect the internet has had, is that it's teaching people how to be effective searchers, and savvy surfers.
By Henry Times
Are you part of the group of the many entrepreneurs who desires to attain your own business and work from home? Recently, home based businesses have become the next business evolution. In this article we would like to address some of key aspects to know, to be competitive in your own business from home.
It's key for new home business owners to acquire high quality time management. There will be no clock in time, or any boss telling you to get to work. You have to have the will power to set aside the time needed to have a viable operation.
It's key for people running a home based business to have skill at managing their time. There is no clock in time, or anyone saying that you should get busy. You need to have the will power to spend the amount of time required to creating a viable operation.
Find out if your property is not going to have zoning issues for the type of home business that will be in operation in your home. If your business will involve people entering your premises to buy something or to access your services, you must check to see that you are in compliance with zoning laws for the operation that you are running. Be alert to the zoning restrictions If your venture is at the house you live in. You don't want to be dealing with a zoning infraction.
You might need a license, or permit to insure you are a legitimate operator. Get a permit (yes, for a fee) if necessary. Upon getting this license, the city will look into any zoning problems with your home. If you have an issue, the next step is to obtain a variance. The variance will nullify the actual zoning law, and make it okay to be in business.
You are Now, making all the decisions. Managing the finances can be crucial in becoming successful. Most people don't accurately measure what things will cost. People need to plan accurately or you will wind up broke before you got going. Figure out what start up money you require to give the business opportunity the possibility to make it. Be smart and plan wisely until profits are strong. One of the best things to do is keep your current work and run this new venture as a second job, until your home based business is on track.
Now, you are calling all the shots. Financing your business is an important piece in becoming successful. Inexperienced first timers don't accurately measure what things will cost. You want to think things through before you wind up unable to continue your dream. Measure the start up costs you need to give your operation a full chance for success. Be disciplined and plan carefully until your having good success. One of the best things you can do is keep your job and operate your new business on a part time basis, until you are seeing enough success.
With your work happening at home, you need a good work area where you can get things done. You should want to see exactly how your selected work area will combine with the goings on of the household. You have to have some distance from all the diversions, so you can focus the necessary amount of effort for your new venture.
Once you are able to grow your business, you will probably need some addition people to help you. Since you are working where you live, you can't very well hire people that need to be working at your house. But there is an answer for this in almost every situation. You can find people willing to do the jobs you need done.
In this new age, you can find self employed guns for hire, to meet your needs. These people are found on the internet, and they all want to do the job at home. You can choose to hire someone for one project at a time, and search out the best people that will get what you need done. Amazingly, these people can be from just about anywhere!
As I have described it, there is much to do if you want to operate a business yourself. Working on you own, out of your own house, would be a dream come true for many hard working people. If you plan well, and stick with it, finding the right opportunity to work at home can change your life.
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Pibs, are you insane?" i yelled at the top of my lungs, and started to rant, arms waving.
real estate franchises This is a great marketing tip because it is often inexpensive and sometimes free to use an autoresponder. It may evolve over time.
By Mike Braun
Hello, Im Mike Braun, the Online Marketing Manager for BizActions, the Best in Class Email Newsletter Service that touches the lives of over one million clients, customers, prospects, and referral sources each week. This is the first in a series of video tutorials for you to use as a guide to implementing concepts and materials you may already have at your disposal to inspire your creativity and help engage your e-Newsletter readers with Relationship Content.
Relationships are about meeting people, through a variety of ways. You need to get involved in industry associations, join groups, attending trade shows etc. While none of the physical world processes should be eliminated, the process and strategy for building and managing Relationship Capital online in the electronic world is a radically different means of creating relationships. Not only is it different but it requires a unique set of skills, new thoughts and a new language to build and manage the process. In plain terms, Relationship Capital is the amount of time and money you invest in building relationships with customers, prospects, and referral sources on the Web.
Equity in your business is what makes it valuable. If you use Relationship Capital to build a solid foundation, your Relationship Equity will grow. Just like the equity built through investing in any business over time, the inherent value of the business rises. Inflation accounts for some of the inherent value of a business as equity rises, but more clients, and a strong reputation result in a far greater impact on Relationship Equity. So what do you do with online Relationship Equity? Well it to persuade satisfied clients to purchase your next product or service in advance or do beta testing for you. It can mean their accepting a sincere apology when something goes wrong rather than jumping ship. Everyone knows that solid relationships lead to profit and online electronic Relationship Profit, isnt any different. It equates to trust, loyalty and yes, money.
Business succeeds or fails based on relationships. Your firm may build the best products in the world or deliver the best service around the world and back, but that doesnt build relationships. You do. Your people do. And most importantly your solutions do. How do you deliver solutions online, when you havent asked the client what the problem is? Well, your newsletter should include content that establishes connections between your staff and offers solutions to common problems faced by those reading the articles. These new articles are Relationship Content, not product and services content. You will be amazed at the trust and loyalty you can built with Relationship Content that tooting your own horn will never build. Relationship Content will cement your reputation as an expert because you will be offering information not readily or easily accessible to your readers of your e-Newsletter.
Business is all about relationships. Products and services dont build relationships. People and solutions do. Your newsletter should include content that establishes connections between your staff and those reading the articles. To keep it clear in your mind, lets call these new articles youre going to be writing, Relationship Content. If you do it right, this Relationship Content will not only build trust and loyalty, but it will cement your reputation as an expert by offering information not readily or easily accessible to your readers.
All you have to do is to remember that you need to write every article (based on the tips I give you) as though you are the reader and write what the reader wants to read. This Relationship Content will become Relationship Capital and thats a virtual IOU in your pocket. So what kinds of articles can you write? Well, there are a wide range available to you and Im going to suggest you use them all. When trying to come up with the perfect idea for an effective article, many people lose sight of many of the obvious topics that are compelling to anyone, whether or not they are currently interested in your service. Look around your office at your colleagues and write a team member spotlight. Take notice of your firms history, culture and corporate interactions. What about that event the sales team attended last month? Sometimes the simplest or most common events prove to be the strongest relationship builders in the eyes of your readers.
Remember you need to make it personal. We are talking about Relationship Content that equates to Relationship Capital. There are a wide range of topics that can serve as the focus for Relationship Content. When trying to come up with the perfect idea for an effective announcement or article, many people lose sight of the more obvious things that can prove to be just as compelling. Something as simple as a team member spotlight item, for example, can go a long way. Look around your office at your colleagues. Take notice of your firms culture and interactions with people, events that are occurring, etc. Sometimes the simplest of things can prove to be the most impressive in the eyes of your readers.
By Simon Anderson
eBillboardsNA is a Los Angeles based website marketing company, provides a full suite of online website marketing solutions directed to the internet community.
(PRWEB) April 21, 2004 -- eBillboardsNA has built a strong technical and sales force aimed at providing the best online marketing services at the most affordable costs in order to service a wider array of online clientele. Their experience goes back 10 years in the Email Marketing arena and another 6 years in the Search Engine Optimization field. eBillboardsNA has most advanced by perfecting a quicker and easier Internet navigation system called Electronic Billboards of North America for those who no longer want to navigate using long complicated and hard to remember domain names, or hunt through thousands of search engine results to find what they are looking for.
With eBillboardsNA technology you can put your website on the front of all the major search engines. You can also then choose your desired keywords or phrases you would like to appear under. They put your website on the top of all the major search engines and actually open your website in the results. Once registered all traffic derived from your words will now be delivered to your website. You will have access to a login area were you can track your visitors.
eBillboardsNA is intuitive, familiar words and phrases, such as generic phrases and names or a short description of the websites goods or services. For example, if the searcher types "Bank" into the Search bar of any major search engine on an upgraded computer, they are instantly connected to the respective website. are used in conjunction with search engines to provide direct access to websites, giving users the ability to navigate from any point on the Internet directly to our client's website, or even a specific location deep within their site.
To avoid many of the problems of the current domain name system, manage the assignment of Internet Keywords with the goal of avoiding misdirection of users and misappropriation of trademarks and trade names.
Recent Forrester Research study shows that search engines are the top method for accessing customer sites followed by e-mail, and Search Engine Optimization. is currently the largest provider of keywords in North America and is developing standards with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). To rapidly expand this technology, the Company has leveraged its existing customer relationships and is aggressively pursing new distribution relationships around the United States through ISPs, as well as providers of search, directory, e-commerce, portal and content services.
Client's acceptance of the eBillboardsNA product is almost intuitive. For anyone marketing on the Internet, keywords are foundational to online marketing strategies. Keywords are used in every websites meta-tags (these are hidden text descriptions) to notify search engines which words describe the site. There are also a number of sites that now sell keywords under what is known as a pay-per-click (ppc) model. Search Engine Optimization also focuses strictly on Keywords and meta-tags to increase a websites natural ranking on the major search engines.
eBillboardsNA's Search Engine Optimization service offers the guarantee that you will not find with most of the other SEO services online, a guarantee of first page placement. They will do everything in their power to place their clients website to be ranked in the natural results on the first page of those major search engines. Where other companies shy away from guarantees in order to stay safe, eBillboardsNA will put their name on the line for their clients.
By Graham McKenzie
True marketing is a science. It involves excessive amounts of research to find the perfect ad campaign. It's never easy, constantly requiring new studies and tests.
Online marketers are much more drawn to copy other online success stories instead of running online marketing tests, like split testing. Split testing is a way marketers can closely compare to similar ads and discover which one draws more impressions.
Split testing is a way to bring the science back into marketing, because the truth about marketing is that what worked for one person may not work as well for this new marketing campaign.
Split testing combines two similar ads with very small difference, which could range from the color scheme to the font or to the photos inside the ad. The two ads run side by side and the marketing company tests to find out which one generates more impressions.
The technique in theory, ensures that the marketer will not just assume it's a good campaign but instead know it's a great campaign.
Imagine that you read about how to create the best sales page written by a man that has made millions as an affiliate to a specific eBook. He explains exactly how to write up your sales page, you follow his instructions to the letter, and firmly believe you will pull in profits he received.
What a big mistake. One of the first concepts you learn in marketing basics is the importance of the audience. The audience is everything in sales and they will never come to you unless you reach them. It's like that old saying from Field of Dreams. "If you build it, they will come."
The same holds true for marketing. The audience needs to be address, which means you must address and meet their needs. Tailor ads that fit your audience's demographic.
Subtle differences in ads really make a large difference. A size 14 font may make all the difference as opposed to a size 18 font. Experimentation is the biggest key behind split testing and is highly recommended for every online marketing campaign.
Split testing is not just some optional way of seeing if you can improve your conversions. No, instead it's one of the more viable and accurate ways to test out your ads as well as compare and contrast.
By Sonja Schuyler
Just recently I discovered Unique Article Wizard. It is a wonderful way to sell a product, promote affiliate programs, or display Adsense or other advertising.
You won't believe how easy it is to get your website to the first page on Google. It works for any kind of online business. I know this sounds too good to be true but, believe me, it is not.
In the past I knocked myself out writing articles and spending quite a bit of money to get my articles on the web. Articles that would get my business much needed traffic. Sound familiar?
Then I found Unique Article Wizard. It helped me get targeted, eager customers to my site and exploded my business almost overnight.
Unique Article Wizard Website You want your articles to get on as many sites as possible. Unique Article Wizard submits to well over 3,000 directories, websites and blogs, with many more being added all the time.
Also, there are links, correctly formatted links, that point back to your website. Hundreds of links. Hundreds of links become thousands and tens of thousands over time. The search engines will love you.
It is the easiest, most reliable, and cheapest way to get traffic to your website. All you do is write an article, submit it and repeat. How easy is that? Can you tell me any better strategy that can produce these kind of results?
Unique Article Wizard Website Do you want unlimited submissions for as many domains as you wish? Do you want the best tool on the web for creating genuine backlinks to your site? Increase your credibility. Rocket your site to the top of the search engines.
I love Unique Article Wizard and the results I get promoting my mlm. Unique Article Wizard also has a very generous affilliate program so you can earn more revenue in addition to promoting your websites.
About the Author:
Wouldn't you want the same results? I am happy I did and I predict you will too. Please visit the
Unique Article Wizard Website Find out for yourself how easy it is to get high quality traffic.
By Simon Anderson
If you have not already you will soon understand why keywords play such a large role in the ranking of your website. Many do not succeed for lack of attention to keywords.
A rule of thumb to keep in mind is that each page of your web site should include one or two keyword phrases that have close association or are somewhat complementary and relevant to each other. Do not clutter your web pages with a set of keywords and keyword phrases as this will surely take away from your keyword ranking.
Be smart about your keywords and make sure you are only using keywords that your likely clients, are likely to type in. After all what good is top ranking on keywords nobody types in?
Deciding on just the right keywords to help boost your keyword ranking is one of the most important but often overlooked steps in designing a web site.
If you were buying what you are selling now, what would you type in? Try asking friends, good customers, and relatives what keywords they would type to look for you.
Be unique, choose keywords that nobody is thinking about. If you are a real estate agent in Dallas try keywords like DFW homes for sale or Downtown DWF property, find the niche words and make them your own!
Many different tools are available for choosing keywords based on popular search statistics, uses the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.
Never underestimate the power of keyword ranking in influencing the success of your business. A lot of thought, careful research and hard work goes into the establishment of a successful business.
By Alice Oswald
When you are looking for help promoting your site for top keywords, using different research tools for effective keyword bidding is essential in advertiser programs such as Google AdSense and Yahoo tools. As you have probably heard over and over, keyword marketing is very importaint step in success of online business. When you search a software tool to find the most popular keywords for your website you have to know exactly what is behind the high frequency of a specific search phrase.
If you are just throwing up websites without incorporating professional niche keyword research into your site planning, content development and search engine optimization, you are truly taking a shot in the dark. Once your site structure is done it is time to create the content for the site, which is the crucial part and where the keyword optimization and keyword density comes into play.
Dont forget that keyword marketing research is the factor that determines the success or failure of your niche site. While doing keyword optimization, we always recommended to do a thorough market research and competitive analysis to find top keywords used by search engine visitors to find products and services online and what search terms are targeted by your competitors who are doing well in online marketing.
Keyword ranking will help you keep afloat from your competitors, because through it, you'll know what the public wants, what people are actually looking for, thus giving you ample time to come up with services and goods that these people want. At its simplest level, keyword research is about studying the phrases that work for your search engine audience.
Tools, which you can find on can help you identify search terms suitable for your business and you should use them to assist you in keyword research. It has set of unique technologies which allows you to see all needed information about keyword that you want to bid on. Plus, it has unique top placing technology which helps you to get on top of Google, Yahoo, MSN, plus dozens of search engines across the world. It's business model differs from pay per click technologies and allows advertisers to get unique niche for their websites with unique ownership of keywords. If you're a brick and mortar business that sells power tools, proper keyword research can be a tremendous help-even before you set up your online business.
In summary, a keyword ranking research is the heart of any search engine optimization and search marketing task. An effective website relies on good set of keywords, and using the right tools to manipulate those terms.
You know that doing proper keyword optimization needs both time and skill, and the service doesn't come cheap. In common, keyword marketing and ranking undoubtedly is a very important and also fascinating field of Internet marketing that unravels the magnitude of the Internet.
By David Pears
Here's short comparision between two advertising models: and Google AdWords:
1. Google Adwords is Pay Per Click advertisement technology where you pay when users click on your ad link. In some cases it's good, but when you choose right keyword for you, you suddenly discover that you are only one of buyers of keyword and in order to get click to your link you should pay up to 70$ per click (for some keywords). With technology you only pay for owing keyword for full year and you, and only you will be shown as a result of search for your keyword.
2. In Google Adwords campaign you have to constantly compete with other companies and raise price for your keywords. Sometimes your ROI can be negative and you should be high professional to get positive results. With you just need to set url for keyword and get ready for getting traffic to your website.
3. Your advertisement budget can vary in Google Adwords, depending on keywords and number of impressions that you choose. has fixed flat price for any keywords that you choose. Only traffic will vary, so only thing that you have to worry is to choose right keywords for your business.
4. When someone searches phrase that you own, already displays your website in IFRAME so it means that people already can see your website, without clicking on ad link (not many people like clicking on ad links).
5. Finally, Google Adwords works only with Google Search Engine, when works on All Major Search Engines, plus hundreeds of other partner websites with search features!
I'm using both technologies, cause I think they're both good in their way, but you can decide which model is best for you.