6 Internet Marketing Myths to Deflect

By Harry Constantine

Get to know the 6 internet marketing myths listed below before you even begin jumping onto the internet marketing bandwagon. These myths, if left unchallenged, will waste your time, drain your energy and empty your pockets. See if they fall into your hands and situation.

Myth #1: Internet Marketing is Simple

Probably the biggest myth of all. Internet marketing is not easy. It takes time, effort not to mention money and anyone who suggests otherwise is kidding me. Though it is comparatively easier to traditional brick-and mortar businesses, internet marketing still involves a lot of work.

Myth #2: ANYONE Can Make Money Online

You will never make a dime on the internet unless you get off your couch and read everything you can about internet marketing then put your plans into action.

Myth #3: You Can "GET RICH QUICK" On the Net!

It just won't happen overnight, instead do some research and find out what people really want and need then give it to them. Scammers make the "get rich quick scheme" sounds so easy, a trap that a lot of newbie internet marketers falls into.

Myth #4: It's FREE to Do Business Online

Once you have your domain set up, you only pay for internet connection, advertising and ongoing educations, that's it. Internet business start-up cost and maintenance cost is pretty low, compared to opening your first coffee shop or gift shop in downtown Los Angeles. You can't expect to make money selling free stuff and ask others to do the same.

Myth #5: It's TOO LATE to Start an Internet Business

Every year the stats will show you the number of people shopping online are increasing, their spending dollars are growing and the number of people going online is increasing also. It's never ever too late to start anything and that includes internet business.

Myth #6: The BIG Money Talk is JUST HYPE

Although you will be hard pressed to find experienced internet marketers to tell how much they spend on promoting and advertising, the truth is, it takes money to make money in internet marketing.

With internet marketing, there's a great deal on the table. Don't miss out on it.

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