Creating affiliate programs

By Samo Yanezic

Creating affiliate programs is something that other people do to draw customers to your product and they make a cut of the profits through the leads and sales with click-throughs. Many people that have a product, ebook or information to sell dont think about creating affiliate programs to market their own product. This is an easy way to spread your exposure, and limit expenses.

By trying a few of the easy, free ways to administer your own affiliate programs, you can test your market before making any major investments. Installing a simple code for hyperlinks you supply to affiliates doesnt require you to make changes to your site. Creating home pages that are identical to your current home page, but saved under a different name allows visitors to navigate the site normally.

You have to make sure that you make your affiliate links are descriptive of what you offer to get targeted traffic from the people that would be interested in your product. This keeps you from paying for clickthroughs that cost you money, with no sale proceeds realized.

When choosing affiliates, you need to pick and choose your affiliates carefully. Using your own home grown affiliate program allows you to test and try out different advertising campaigns to find out what works before spending the money on affiliates and campaigns that dont make you a profit.

You can enlist businesses that have a lot of customers already and want to provide more of a selection. They can do the outsource work for you, and if your prices are low, then they can make a markup and handle the customers order and you just provide the products. This cuts out a lot of the commission tracking headaches.

Another idea is to create a different sales page for each of your affiliates with a tracking code in the HTML for the order button. The business immediately sees where the order came from and to who the commission is due. This is an easy way to manage affiliate programs until your volume gets up to hundreds of orders a day, then it can get quite messy.

You will want to create a web page that lays out your policies and rules that has to be accepted or approved by the affiliate before they sign up. This will cut down on the fraudulent click-through leads and save you from paying out commissions to people that run bot programs.

You can still save money by creating affiliate programs that you administer and track yourself when in the beginning stages. The simpler, the better because most affiliate programs dont have to be complicated to produce results.

As the sales increase and your affiliate program starts to grow, you may need to consider outsourcing it to one of the affiliate software programs to handle the increasing volume. There are several reasonable affiliate companies to chose from that can manage your affiliates as the business grows.

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