How To Shield Your Mind From Negative People

By Farid Beck

In order to be successful in Network Marketing, you must be prepared to dream BIG! Most people are taught to dream like little kids. They have high hopes of conquering the world but they give up the moment they face the slightest negativity.

One of the biggest dream killers in network marketing you must avoid are negative people. You must understand that negative people do NOT see what you see. They do not share your goals and insipiently; there are people who will go all out to undermine what you are doing because they perceive your success as a threat to their self-esteem. In other words, your success will make them feel like a loser and they will do anything to make sure you fail.

Here are a few ways to shield your mind from negative people:

- Change your environment. Your environment plays a major role in ensuring your success and it doesn't pay to keep negative people around you all the time. Everybody feels sad, weak or depressed at times. Even Superman gets weak from exposing himself to Kryptonite but he gets his energy back from the Sun. If you want to remain positive, you have to pull yourself away from your negative wife, in-laws, parents, beer-drinking buddies and head off to the next motivational rally to keep your spirits high. Let the Sun recharge your power and you will have the strength to take on the world again.

- Do not underestimate the power of positive motivation. There are many people who refer to them as motivational crap or motivational yadda yadda. If you feel that you cannot benefit from motivation, you must examine your heart or your feelings. Are you starting to buy into other people's negative whining or are YOU turning into a negative parasite yourself? You must not give up on yourself. Get back in the game by moving your butt and read more positive books!

- Action precedes action! If you are feeling negative due to people's negativity because you are not achieving results, then here's one thing you can do. Get back in the groove by acting the part. A writer doesn't gain inspiration by just sitting there. They get their inspiration by writing, moving, thinking and training their minds. The same applies to your positive energy as well. If you dont feel like doing anything, just ignore your feelings and be like Nike - JUST DO IT! You will find yourself getting up and you will MOVE IT just like the cartoon characters in Madagascar!

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