As an internet marketer, you need to devote as much time as possible to promote your online business. On average, you need to contact your prospect up to 7 times before he or she decides to purchase from you. Thats a daunting task. But you can automate your daily tasks by using an autoresponder. Here's how to do it:
1. Providing a free course through email is a great way to capture your prospects name and email address for future follow-up as well as pre-sell your product, program or service for future sales.
2. Include an auto responder in your eBook marketing plan - Offer a trial version of your product. Showing your visitors firsthand the valuable information you have to offer them can increase your sales.
3.Publish an ezine through your autoresponder - This is a great way to catch people up on your ezine as well as build relationships over a period of time.
4. Provide a sample ezine issue - Letting your visitors what your ezine is all about can be an effective way to increase your subscriptions.
5. Publish an article announcement list that announces when you've written a new article or articles to help you to get your articles published more often and increase traffic to your site.
1. Providing a free course through email is a great way to capture your prospects name and email address for future follow-up as well as pre-sell your product, program or service for future sales.
2. Include an auto responder in your eBook marketing plan - Offer a trial version of your product. Showing your visitors firsthand the valuable information you have to offer them can increase your sales.
3.Publish an ezine through your autoresponder - This is a great way to catch people up on your ezine as well as build relationships over a period of time.
4. Provide a sample ezine issue - Letting your visitors what your ezine is all about can be an effective way to increase your subscriptions.
5. Publish an article announcement list that announces when you've written a new article or articles to help you to get your articles published more often and increase traffic to your site.
About the Author:
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