The Truth And The Lies Of Network Marketing Success

By Rosie Cottis

You have seen all the sites advertising huge network marketing success stories. Dream homes and cars, yachts, cruise vacations -- it's all there. But are these stories real? And if so, what is stopping you from having that same success?

Well, part of the answer could be the methods that you are being told to use. Hitting the big time with network marketing is more than just a question of self-motivation and belief in your company and its products.

There are some vital pieces that are missing from your copy of the map for network marketing success. The first one is something that many companies and uplines mention, but without really making you understand how important it is. The truth is, it's a more important part of your success than anything else - including the product. So what is it? It is ... investing in YOU.

What are they teaching you right now? Maybe they talk about goals. Goals are very useful as a part of an integrated success strategy, but are the goals you are setting really YOUR goals, or are they just your version of your upline's goals? Are they about what YOU want from your business, or about how many targeted leads you generate and how much product you sell? If it's the latter, then you could hugely benefit from some investment in yourself.

Investing In Myself - Sounds Good, But What Does it Mean?

Really, it couldn't be any easier. All you have to do is boost your success mindset with a daily dose of passive self improvement. If you don't, success will always seem out of your reach. It's as if your mindset has a vitamin deficiency. It needs its daily intake!

All you have to do is hang out with the successful people. You don't need to have access to them in person. That's why this is like a cheat. You can cover it by simply soaking up their ideas.

There is an old theory that if you hang out long enough with successful people then your mindset begins to change. You begin to think and act like them and before long, what you once considered a satisfactory level of accomplishment, pales into insignificance to what you are really capable of producing.

That is the power of listening to motivational material on a daily basis! It literally changes your perceptions about your real worth and helps remove self-limiting boundaries often put in place by yourself.

This is true whether it is someone well known on the success circuit like an audio from Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn or whether it is somebody who is successful within your own company or in your upline.

It is amazing. Many people consider even 15 to 20 minutes of motivational material as timewasting or brainwashing. How wrong can they be! When you're building a network marketing business, the truth is, it's simply gold.

Failure rates in the MLM business are frightening. Many distributors quit within the first 2-3 months. Failure is common in this business. Most people do not get things right first time. However, it is part and parcel of achieving ultimate success. Motivational audios and DVDs will keep you on track and put the failures into perspective.

It is simply a question of bringing the millionaire mindset into your daily life. I do mean daily - you need to be listening to success seven days a week if possible. Make sure it is always at least six. Pretty soon it will become part of your life, and almost without trying, you should find yourself moving toward network marketing success.

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