Multilevel Marketing: What It Is and What It Isn't

By Art Barron

Anyone would say that "multilevel marketing" is not a good place to put your money into. That's probably because along with its popularity, a bad connotation surrounds it. There are some whose experience didn't quite meet their expectations, leading them to think that they've been scammed. Although the whole thing is legal, most people would rather say no to mlm marketing than be a part of something they might later regret, like being in a pyramid scam, for instance.

One thing is certain: the main difference between the two is that mlm marketing is a legitimate business model, while pyramiding scheme IS a scam and IS definitely illegal - not to mention immoral and downright dirty. In layman's terms, multilevel marketing is a highly social business model that seeks to cut out the middle man and lower the overhead cost, so that the end consumer isn't paying for the storefront's operation expenses, including labor, utilities, and even the traditional advertising media. Pyramiding schemes, on the other hand, will want you to invest your money on the possibility of big rewards for small amounts, but is actually just a transfer of money from the "downline" to the "upline" (to be explained later).

Too Good To Be True

It's likely to be a pyramid scheme if it's too good to be true. Multilevel marketing and pyramid schemes are often mixed up because the latter utilizes the same techniques as the former. The business model is designed in such a way that people end up thinking that it's the same as mlm marketing. In other words, they use deceit in putting up a network.

The similarities between the two are that you have to sell a product and create a "marketing network" while you're at it. Then there's the deal with the "upline" and "downline." You will either be sponsored by the "upline", or you get to sponsor a "downline." The advantage of the "upline" is that they get commissions from the "downline." The one idea that would lead you to think that you are in a lawful multilevel marketing venture is that getting commissions from your "downline" is just akin to getting bonuses, while most of your profits come from your own hard work.

Entering the Market

Multilevel marketing is a great business if you are the type who wants to work at home in your pajamas. It's also pretty easy to get into, even if you only have $29 as capital. It's very flexible, and you don't need to have a college degree to go for it, just a bit of computer knowledge.

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